
Zapopan, Jalisco, Mx.  

©  2014
Barrio es una cervecería artesanal que se caracteriza por la búsqueda incansable de enfatizar el sabor y la técnica de fermentación. Basados en las exigencias actuales en donde el paladar, el cuerpo y los sentidos buscan generar experiencias organolépticas al consumidor por encima de solo quitar la sed.

Barrio is a handcraft independent brewery that is differentiated from others by their relentless pursuit on emphasizing the flavor and perfecting their fermentation techniques. Based on their thrive to fulfill the current requirements of a more sophisticated market where consumers are in the seek for better palate, body and sensations experiences, and not only to satisfied thirst.Barrio is a handcraft independent brewery that is differentiated from others by their relentless pursuit on emphasizing the flavor and perfecting their fermentation techniques. Based on their thrive to fulfill the current requirements of a more sophisticated market where consumers are in the seek for better palate, body and sensations experiences, and not only to satisfied thirst.

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